Hess is committed to operating with the highest levels of integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws. Bribery and corruption are never acceptable business practices and are not tolerated by Hess. In addition to our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code of Conduct), Hess has an Antibribery and Anticorruption (ABAC) Compliance Program designed to encourage a culture of integrity and transparency in all of the company’s activities.
All forms of bribery are prohibited at Hess, whether conducted directly or indirectly through a third party and whether involving government officials, private sector individuals, or private or state owned companies. Hess also prohibits facilitation payments.
The Hess ABAC Policy and Procedure, applicable to all Hess assets and functions worldwide, provides the overall framework for the company’s ABAC Compliance Program as well as guidelines for the prevention, management and remediation of bribery and corruption related risks. The ABAC Policy and Procedure requires adherence to all relevant ABAC laws, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the United Kingdom’s Bribery Act 2010 and the laws of other countries where Hess conducts business. Additionally, Hess’ ABAC Guiding Principles provide key anticorruption principles that apply to all interactions with the company’s customers, business partners and other third parties in both the public and private sector.
The Hess Global Compliance team oversees the company’s ABAC Compliance Program by implementing and distributing policies and procedures, maintaining compliance related approval systems, participating in internal audits, conducting proactive compliance assessments and delivering compliance trainings worldwide. The Global Compliance team regularly reviews and revises these policies and procedures, systems and trainings to ensure they are up to date with applicable laws, regulations and best practices.
Our Global Compliance team has developed in depth online trainings on our Code of Conduct and our ABAC Policy and Procedure. All employees who are active at the time training is launched, as well as all new employees and certain contracted staff, are required to take these trainings and certify compliance with the Code of Conduct and other applicable policies and procedures. Global Compliance team conducts audits and ongoing monitoring to help ensure that all employees complete these online trainings.
Hess promotes a culture of open and honest communication. The company’s Open Door and Anti-Retaliation Policy encourages everyone to ask questions and raise concerns. Questions and concerns can be reported through various channels, including anonymously through the Hess Hotline. All concerns, issues and allegations referred to Global Compliance through the various channels available to our workforce, including our dedicated compliance hotline, are investigated. Global Compliance also works with key functions across the company – including Legal; Environment, Health and Safety; Human Resources; and the Corporate Audit Department – to review potential issues and implement appropriate remediation plans.
Employees and outside parties can reach the Global Compliance Group directly at any time to ask questions, raise concerns or seek advice, or make contact anonymously through the Hess Hotline.
Reach Global Compliance directly:
Email: lntegrity@Hess.com
Mail: Hess Corporation, Global Compliance, 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 USA
Phone: 1-877-296-1343 (Toll Free USA)
Secure Fax: 1-877-876-4254 (Toll Free USA)
Reach Global Compliance anonymously:
Phone: 1-800-353-2790 (Toll Free USA) or 1-503-597-4377 (International Collect Call)
Website: HessHotline.ethicspoint.com
Local toll-free phone numbers can be found on the Hess Hotline website