Hess Sustainability Reports | Hess Corporation
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Hess Sustainability Reports


Hess aims to be in the top quartile in our sector for the quality of our disclosures on our sustainability performance and programs.

CDP Climate Change Survey

Hess has participated in the annual investor survey on climate change since 2006. We have earned leadership status, the highest category, since 2009.

Hess CDP Investor Response
Archived CDP Responses

Trade Associations’ Sustainability Reporting Templates

Hess is a member of many associations, organizations and collaborative working groups. These organizations provide value to our company in the form of industry standards, along with opportunities to promote continuous improvement in our sustainability performance and transparency through industry led voluntary programs. As part of our membership, we participate in and publish a number of our trades’ sustainability reporting templates.

Hess’ response to the API Template for GHG Reporting
Hess’ response to the American Exploration & Production Council (AXPC) ESG Template