Hess Corporate Social Responsibility | Hess Corporation
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Social Responsibility


Social responsibility is one of our core values built into our company culture and reflected in the way we do business. We live this value every day by protecting the health and safety of our workforce, investing in our communities and safeguarding the environment. We aim to create long lasting, positive benefits wherever we do business, supporting our purpose to be the world’s most trusted energy partner. Our Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy codify our commitment to social responsibility. test

See our Key Sustainability Metrics where we disclose our five year social investment totals.

Stakeholder Engagement

As we work to develop oil and natural gas resources in a manner that is environmentally and socially responsible, we engage with a wide range of external stakeholders, as appropriate – from local landowners and governments to community service agencies and Indigenous groups. We actively pursue dialogue with our stakeholders to share our values, vision and goals; seek their feedback; and collaborate on opportunities to make lasting contributions to our host communities, especially in the areas of education, health and environment.

Our stakeholder planning and engagement process is a foundational element of the Hess Enterprise Risk Management Standard, enabling us to link key external issues impacting each asset to specific stakeholders and adopt appropriate risk mitigations and engagement activities. The first step of this process involves understanding the specific risks faced by each asset as identified in the asset level risk register and heat maps, as well as identifying external issues that are critical to maintaining Hess’ license to operate. In the second step, we establish documented internal accountabilities for managing each key issue, including identification of a Business Owner (i.e., an individual from senior management with accountability for the issue) and an Issue Manager or Managers (i.e., individuals responsible for managing the ongoing strategy and engagement to mitigate stakeholder impacts). In the third step, Issue Managers, with support from our External Affairs function, document the relevant stakeholders, and then in the fourth step, they outline the engagement strategies for those stakeholders. The fifth and final step involves monitoring and tracking the key issues and providing updates at least twice per year to the Business Owner and, as required, other senior management.

For each of Hess’ operated assets, we have developed individualized External Affairs and Stakeholder Plans that document the five step engagement process.

Formal community feedback mechanisms are also an important part of our commitment to solicit external stakeholder feedback for our company’s operational impacts and help us respond to and act on feedback through an established process. We are committed to addressing all concerns we receive.