Hess in World Oil: New Sucker Rod Coupling Could Save Millions
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Hess in World Oil: New Sucker Rod Coupling Could Save Millions

  • Pumpjacks in North Dakota

Hess is featured in this month's World Oil magazine for a new patent-pending sucker rod coupling that could save Hess and other operators millions of dollars per year. The invention was developed by Hess and Materion and is expected to reduce annual per well workover costs by $75,000-$100,000.

Hess employees Seth Silverman, Senior Production Engineering Adviser, and Logan Stoner, MR&I Bakken Subsurface Lead, co-authored the article and, along with Chuck Panzer, Senior Reliability Technician, played key roles in developing the innovation. Silverman said that such an innovation couldn’t have come at a better time for the industry, as crude price volatility has driven a great need for operators to increase efficiency, reduce waste and cut costs.

Click here to read the article

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