Hess in the Media: E&P Magazine
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Hess in the Media: E&P Magazine

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In an interview with E&P Magazine’s Senior Editor Jennifer Presley, COO Greg Hill outlined how Hess Corporation is making its success repeatable through implementation of Lean manufacturing principles.

Examples of those successes include:

  • Zero nonproductive time (NPT) on an exploratory well offshore West Africa
  • 62% improvement in spud-to-spud drilling performance in the Bakken
  • 50% decrease in turnaround time in Equatorial Guinea
  • Zero safety incidents and a significant reduction in construction time at the Stampede project in the Gulf of Mexico

“Basically, it’s about building a culture of problem solvers or, as we call it, an army of problem solvers,” Hill said in the interview. “The role of the leader is actually to facilitate the problem-solving process with his team of workers because the best person who knows how to fix something is the person doing the work.”

Hill added that he hoped the industry would use the current downturn as a means to focus on inefficiencies that have been built into the business. “Lean is one way to address it,” Hill said. “It is the way Hess is doing it because it works extremely well.”

“Through Lean, Hess found a way to survive the lean times present during a market downturn,” Presley wrote. “The company’s willingness to endure a journey of cultural change should contribute to its future longevity.”

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