Hess at APGCE in Kuala Lumpur
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Hess at APGCE in Kuala Lumpur

  • Sauu Kakok (center), VP of Hess Asia Pacific, gives a tour of the Hess booth to PETRONAS' visiting officials
  • Visiting students from University Teknology PETRONAS learn about Hess operations in the North Malay Basin
  • Wau makers from Kelantan show their traditional craft at the Hess booth
  • Hess is located at Booth G7 at APGCE
Hess Corporation will highlight its activities around the globe, with a special focus on its Malaysian operations, at the Asia Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition (APGCE) on Oct. 12 and Oct. 13 in Kuala Lumpur.

At Booth G7, Hess experts will provide an overview of the company's exploration and production capabilities and be available for questions.

In addition, Hess Senior Geological Advisor Paul Fejer will present a North Malay Basin core sample at the APGCE Core Session on Tuesday, Oct. 13.

Hess is a proud sponsor of APGCE, Asia's premier geoscience event with over three decades since its inception. For more information, visit www.apgce.com.
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