LHSFNA, LIUNA Extol Hess’ Safety Approach
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LHSFNA, LIUNA Extol Hess’ Safety Approach

  • Hess multi-well pad site in North Dakota

A recent article published by the Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America highlights Hess’ commitment to safety even beyond industry standards. In particular, the article focused on Hess’ engagement with contractors, as well as the company’s proactive reporting procedures, which exceed standard OSHA recordable metrics.

“While some construction and energy companies artificially lower their injury rates by hiring contractors to perform high-risk tasks, Hess is engaging with and taking responsibility for its contractors,” the article states. “And while other companies focus solely on tracking OSHA recordable data, Hess is taking a more proactive and progressive approach by developing its own safety metrics – and they are getting results.”

LHSFNA wrote the article based on a Hess presentation made during a LIUNA workshop at the Fall 2016 meeting of the Council of Institutional Investors.

Read the article

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